
Filtrexx® Rain Garden


Filtrexx® Rain Garden is a Low Impact Development (LID) management practice that combines native soil, compost, plants, and beneficial microorganisms to filter, retain, and infiltrate storm water runoff from developed sites.

Filtrexx® Rain Gardens are designed to decentralize and distribute site storm water to reduce off-site storm water volume, peak flow rate, and pollutant discharges. Filtrexx® GrowingMedia™ is an important component of a successful Filtrexx® Rain Garden installation, while Filtrexx® Treatment Train technology can be used to target specific storm water pollutants, such harmful bacteria, nutrients, heavy metals, and petroleum hydrocarbons.

Filtrexx® Rain Garden can be installed on virtually any site utilizing a variety of design goals.

Filtrexx® Rain Gardens are recommended where:

  • Post-development hydrology must mimic the pre-developed or natural site condition
  • LID, Green Infrastructure, or Green Building practices are preferred or required
  • Reduction of site runoff volume, peak flow rate, and/or pollutant load discharges is desired or required
  • On-site treatment of storm water in desired or required
  • Aesthetic, land-based storm water treatment is desired
  • Storm water treatment must use natural design elements, protect or restore  wildlife habitat, or restore ecosystem services
  • Land improvement, function, and real estate value are important
  • Reduced ecological footprint is desired, including use of materials that are: recycled, biobased, locally manufactured, indigenous, and carbon neutral.